- 保育園家具計画
- こどもだけでなく大人にも優しく寄り添う計画を、トータルプロデュース。
- Planning of nursery school
- We produce complete gentle plans for both children and adults.
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We believe that all that children need to grow is their parents and a tree. We can find shelter from the rain under a tree, count its leaves, eat nuts and mushrooms, and sharpen the branches to make weapons for hunting and dining wares.
Our lives became easier with the development of civilization.
But at the same time, we lost the simple ways we used to grow and had to come up with various ways to raise our children.
We hope that our furniture and playground equipment can serve as that tree.
It may not work as well as the tree, but our furniture takes form from the blessings of the trees themselves.
- 保育園遊具
- こどもにとって優れた遊具は、きっと遊具からはうまれない。日常の道具から派生した遊具たち。
- Equipment
- Great playground equipment is not created from other playground equipment. These are playground equipment which came out of our daily lives.
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- つみきいす
- あそびを作り出すために生まれた、体サイズのつみき。
- Tsumiki-isu
- Made for playing. Building blocks the size of the body.
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- まるこしかけ
- 自分の居場所を見つけたら、そこをずっと大事にしたい。
- Marukoshikake
- When you find your place, you want to treasure it.
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- こどもいすいろいろ
- 小さないすをオーダーすること。日本の森を感じること。
- Kids chairs
- To make small orders. To sense the Japanese forest.
- くるみスツール
- くるみボタンを見せる、運ぶ、腰掛ける楽しさ。
- Kurumi stool
- The fun in showing, carrying, and sitting on the covered buttons.
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